Verdun Inter Relations - Promotion and Marketing

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About Us


For almost two decades, we've helped families and friends enjoy great moments together, building connections and creating the sparks of life, while they use the services they need and take advantage of the leisure activities they truly enjoy - usually right in their own neighborhoods. From FREE movies to live entertainment, from FREE pizzas to fine dining, you will find outstanding values, on VIR Cards. Though our Advertising Partners, ranging from national brands to local favorites, invest millions of dollars in advertising for their products and services, they understand that word-of-mouth advertising is the most powerful endorsement they could ever want. So they invest some of their advertising dollars in providing YOU with the best offers possible, to motivate customers to come through their doors and to get Advisors in the VIR business to talk up their business.

Our Advertising Partners know that when you enjoy their products and services with these inviting offers, you'll spread the word — and they will develop loyal customers. VIR Cards are loaded with value that you can also invite along your family and friends to enjoy these offers. With "buy one, get one FREE", half-price offers, generous savings off the retail price, and completely FREE offers, you'll enjoy belonging to VIR! It pays for itself in one or two uses and can be used multiple times.